Women Entrepreneurs Startup Network

Welcome to WE Startup Network, where "WE" stands for Women Entrepreneurs!

We are more than just a networking group; we are a vibrant community of women-owned businesses and aspiring women entrepreneurs passionate about the journey of Entrepreneurship.

🚀About Us: WE Startup Network is the go-to space for women who are just getting started or have dreams of entrepreneurship.

Our mission is simple: to empower, educate, and inspire women on their entrepreneurial path.

Our Vision

To transform the startup world by empowering women entrepreneurs through...

Unparall Support, Resources and Opportunities

enabling them to

Innovate, Grown and Lead in their industries.

"I beleive that every woman should own a business because the womb represents life and so does business" Misty Cassady

If you are still in the Idea Phase

If you're in the ideation phase you are welcome here.

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If you are still working at a job

If you're in the ideation phase you are welcome here.

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If you're juggling family life

If you're juggling family life while dreaming up your next big venture, you are welcome here.

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Whether you're bootstrapping your startup

Whether you're bootstrapping your startup from the ground up or seeking your first round of investment, you are welcome here.

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Whether you've got a side hustle

Whether you've got a side hustle you're hoping to turn into a full-time passion or you're scaling a startup to new heights, you are welcome here.

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Meet our founder


Misty Cassady

Our founder, Misty Cassady, is an accountant by trade and 25 year payroll professional, business credit loan broker, productivity coach, international speaker, author, entrepreneur, and natural skincare expert. With her extensive experience, Misty has established herself as a thought leader and authority in personal development, business development, financial literacy, and natural skincare.

Misty's passion for helping others has led her to create several online courses and resources, including her signature program "Get it Done Success System." Through her coaching programs, Misty provides personalized guidance to help clients identify barriers and unlock their full potential. She is the author of several books, including "ACTION: A Guide to Awakening Your Inner Boss by Taking Action," & "Girl, Get your shit done! The Ultimate Guide to Practical Productivity Strategies for Women."

We are proud to have Misty Cassady as the driving force behind WE Startup Network. Her passion for personal and professional growth, combined with her years of experience, makes her an inspiring role model for individuals and businesses alike.

Owner of

Natural Skincare Chick www.naturalskincarechick.com

HR Payroll Plus www.hrpayrollplus.com

Co-Owner of

Tri-Accountability www.triaccountability.com

Empire Serv Inc www.empireserv.com

Founder of

WE Startup Network www.westartupnetwork.com

Misty Cassady


A message from our founder

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